Better Together™: A Leadership Framework

“Everyone’s a leader!”

How many times have you heard or read that phrase in staff meetings, motivational posters, or team offsites? Don’t get me wrong, I believe we’re all leaders. But like anything truly worthwhile, it’s easier said than done. Because leadership is about intentionally bringing the best parts of you forward to create an impact that’s aligned with who you are and what’s most important to you. It’s a lot to think about, let alone practice when things get tough.

So what are the best parts of you? Only you know that. One way for those qualities to emerge is by applying a framework to situations and circumstances that call on us to step up and lead. We’ve created such a framework called Better Together™, which has six essential ingredients that can’t help but elicit the best parts of you:

  • Clarity
    A clear purpose and strong values serve as the foundation for effective leadership. When leaders have a well-defined purpose, they can communicate their vision with confidence and inspire their teams to rally behind a shared goal. This clarity also helps leaders make decisions that align with core values - their own and the organization’s - ensuring a consistent and cohesive approach to problem-solving and strategic planning.

  • Connection
    Creating connection with others on a foundation of trust and mutual respect is essential for individual and team success. By fostering healthy relationships within their teams, leaders create an environment where individuals feel valued and empowered to contribute their best work. Open communication, active listening, and empathy are key to building these relationships. They enable people to see and understand each other, resolve conflicts, and maintain a positive culture.

  • Courage
    Making difficult decisions, having tough conversations, and taking calculated risks require courage. The key to courage is vulnerability, allowing ourselves to show up fully and be seen, rather than hiding behind protective armor. Asking for help, owning up to our mistakes, and admitting we don’t have the answer can make us feel exposed. When we’re able to be with that discomfort, we get to solutions faster, resolve conflict productively, and venture willingly into the unknown.

  • Compassion
    Compassionate leadership is about understanding and empathizing with the needs, feelings, and perspectives of others. By demonstrating genuine care and concern for their team members, leaders create an environment where individuals feel supported and motivated to perform at their best. The most effective leaders practice self-compassion, otherwise known as “cutting yourself some slack”. You’re only human, after all.

  • Choice
    Integrity is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Leaders who consistently choose to do the right thing, even when it is difficult or unpopular, earn the trust and respect of their teams. This, in turn, fosters a culture of accountability and ethical decision-making within the organization. By choosing with integrity, leaders reinforce their commitment to their values and demonstrate their dedication to the long-term success of their team and organization.

  • Commitment
    Making a choice and sticking to that choice are often two very different things, especially when situations and circumstances change. Sometimes, we have to back away from a choice and choose a different route. What’s most important is knowing what we’re committed to and what beliefs underpin that commitment. This requires curiosity and introspection, examining our assumptions, and aligning our commitment to our purpose, values, and vision for our world.

There’s so much more to explore in each key ingredient of Better Together™ but hopefully, you can see how they combine to create a recipe for leadership success. Bringing Clarity, Connection, Courage, Compassion, Choice, and Commitment into how you show up will bring out the leader in you. 

Feel free to reach out to chat more about this article or check out our coaching and training services to find ways to make Better Together™ come alive for you and your team.

Cai Delumpa

I’m Cai! I’m a warrior for the human soul, helping leaders* and teams be better together to make the world a better place to live and work. I live and work in Portland, Oregon with my wife and business partner Monique and our three fur-babies (cats). When I’m not coaching or teaching, I’m cycling, doing photography, cooking, and/or being goofy ‘ol me.

Smart ≠ Wise


Courage takes practice…and practice…and practice…