Hive Insights

Cai Delumpa Cai Delumpa

Co-Creating Accountable Cultures

In Part 3 in our series on Accountability we explore the importance of having coalitions of purpose-driven leaders working together to create cultures of accountability and the steps needed to make it happen.

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Cai Delumpa Cai Delumpa

That Dreaded Word - “Accountability”

In Part 1 of a 3-part series on Accountability we help you see how accountability (or the lack of) is impacting you and your organization and point you ahead to what you can do about it.

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Monique Breault Monique Breault

Accountability Starts With You

In Part 2 of our 3-part series on Accountability, we offer you a way to begin building a culture of accountability in your team, function, and organization.

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Cai Delumpa Cai Delumpa

Adventurous & Optimistic: Enneagram Type 7 - The Enthusiast

If you know someone who exudes an infectious zest for life, is always on the lookout for new adventures, and tends to steer clear of pain and negativity in favor of optimism and positivity, you might be in the company of an Enneagram Type 7 Enthusiast.

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Cai Delumpa Cai Delumpa

Understanding The Enneagram

The Enneagram system describes human personality with nine interconnected types, each representing a unique way of being in the world. It’s a powerful system for self-awareness and growth.

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Cai Delumpa Cai Delumpa

The Wake-Up Call

Sometimes it takes what feels like a crisis to bring you face-to-face with who you are and how you’re leading.

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Cai Delumpa Cai Delumpa

Smart ≠ Wise

The decisions we make when things get tough are the measure of leadership. Here are some lessons from the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

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