Adventurous & Optimistic: Enneagram Type 7 - The Enthusiast

If you know someone who exudes an infectious zest for life, is always on the lookout for new adventures, and tends to steer clear of pain and negativity in favor of optimism and positivity, you might be in the company of an Enneagram Type 7 Enthusiast. These individuals are naturally drawn to new experiences and possibilities, often displaying a youthful zest regardless of their age. They are generally future-oriented, always looking ahead to what exciting opportunities might be just around the corner. Enthusiasts have a knack for staying positive, often focusing on the bright side of situations and avoiding negative feelings whenever possible.

The Enthusiast is synonymous with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a free-spirited zest for adventure. With a lens that captures the brightest hues of existence, Enthusiasts traverse life with an infectious optimism, always looking for the next opportunity to learn, explore, and enjoy. But behind this exuberant exterior lies a complexity driven by a deep desire to avoid pain and be free from constraints.

As leaders, Enthusiasts bring an infectious enthusiasm and optimism to their teams. They are visionary thinkers, always eager to explore new possibilities and innovative solutions. Their zest for life and adaptable nature make them approachable and motivating, often fostering a creative and upbeat work environment. However, their fear of being constrained can sometimes lead to a scattered focus or an aversion to unpleasant tasks. Nonetheless, their genuine belief in potential and their ability to inspire others make them compelling catalysts for change and growth, pushing boundaries and seeking the next big opportunity.

Type 7 Enthusiast - Foundational Framework

The Enneagram framework for understanding personality dives deep into the interconnectedness of an individual's Basic Proposition, Worldview, and Core Motivation. Let's break down how these elements connect for the Type 7 Enthusiast:

Basic Proposition: "I will be OK if I keep my options open, stay positive, and plan for the future"

The Basic Proposition forms the fundamental belief or assumption about how the world works. This driving belief emerges from the Enthusiast’s childhood experiences where they might have felt that their needs were not adequately met or that they had to fend for their emotional well-being. It’s a reaction to feeling trapped, deprived, or in emotional pain.

Worldview: "The world limits my freedom and causes me pain that can be avoided." 

The Worldview is an outward extension of the Basic Proposition and gives it context. This worldview promotes an orientation of future planning, keeping options open, and always seeking the next exciting experience or idea. For Enthusiasts, life is an adventure to be relished; why focus on the negative when there are so many exciting experiences to explore and enjoy?

Core Motivation: "I must experience life fully without constraints."

The central motivation for the Enthusiast is to feel satisfied, content, and fulfilled, and to avoid feelings of pain, deprivation, or entrapment. This motivation fuels their characteristic enthusiasm, optimism, and zest for life. They can be seen as the true "adventurers" of the Enneagram, always in pursuit of new experiences, knowledge, and stimulation.

What Enthusiasts Pay Attention To

Enthusiasts’ Basic Proposition, Worldview, and Core Motivation work together to have them pay attention to:

  • Possibilities and Opportunities: Enthusiasts are naturally attuned to new experiences, ideas, and projects. Their attention gravitates towards what could be fun, exciting, or stimulating.

  • Pain, Discomfort (especially emotional), and Constraints: While they are drawn to positivity and excitement, Enthusiasts also possess a subconscious radar detecting potential sources of pain, limitation, or discomfort, steering them away from such experiences.

  • The Future: With their future-oriented perspective, Enthusiasts often think about what's next, always planning for upcoming adventures or events. Living in the future means Enthusiasts don’t have to deal with the pain and limitations of the present.

Given that “energy follows attention”, Type 7 Enthusiasts put their energy into:

  • Pursuing Future Pleasurable Possibilities: Enthusiasts invest their energy in seeking experiences that promise enjoyment, excitement, or learning. This might manifest in traveling, attending social events, trying new hobbies, or simply exploring new ideas.

  • Busy-ness: To keep negative feelings at bay, Enthusiasts might keep themselves perpetually busy. This constant activity serves as a distraction from potential boredom or emotional pain. This may appear to others “flitting” from thing to thing, with no apparent focus on just one thing.

  • Adapting and Pivoting: Given their desire for variety and fear of feeling trapped, Enthusiasts are adept at changing direction. If something starts to feel limiting or tedious, they'll use their energy to pivot to something new. Enthusiasts are famous for keeping their options open, putting off deciding or choosing until absolutely necessary.

As a result of this attention and energy pattern, Enthusiasts can be vivacious, versatile, and multi-talented, with a wide range of interests and experiences. However, they might also struggle with commitment, depth in relationships, or confronting painful emotions, since their natural inclination is to keep things light and move towards the next big thing. It's essential for Enthusiasts to recognize these patterns to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life, embracing both the joys and the challenges it presents.

Relating With A Type 7 Enthusiast

Being in a relationship with an Enneagram Type 7 Enthusiast can be a dynamic, adventurous experience. Here are five tips to help you be in a harmonious relationship with a Enthusiast:

  • Embrace Adventure and Novelty: Understand that Enthusiasts thrive on new experiences, adventures, and learning. Participating in, or at least being supportive of, their pursuits can foster closeness. Even if you're not always up for every adventure, show enthusiasm for their passion and curiosity.

  • Allow Space for Independence: Enthusiasts value their freedom and fear being trapped or confined. While commitment and depth are possible, it's essential to strike a balance. Give them room to explore, be spontaneous, and maintain their sense of independence.

  • Be Optimistic, But Authentic: Enthusiasts naturally gravitate towards positivity and optimism. While it's beneficial to engage in their optimistic outlook, it's equally essential to be authentic. It's okay to share concerns or address issues, but try to do so in a constructive and hopeful manner.

  • Help Ground Them When Needed: While Enthusiasts can seem like they're always on the go, there are times when they benefit from being grounded. Whether it's through deep conversation, mindfulness practices, or just relaxed time spent together, helping them find moments of introspection can be beneficial for both of you.

  • Call Them Gently On Their Avoidance: Remember that Enthusiasts might avoid pain or difficult emotions. If issues arise in the relationship, it's crucial to address them gently and constructively. Encourage open communication and reassure them that confronting challenges together can lead to growth and deeper connection.

Building a relationship with a Type 7 can be a joyful journey filled with excitement and exploration. By understanding their core motivations and offering both support and gentle guidance, you can foster a fulfilling and enriching relationship with the Enthusiast in your life.

Pathways for Growth for Type 7 Enthusiasts

If you walk in the pattern of a Type 7 Enthusiast, personal growth is about believing that you’ll be okay - and even grow - through pain, suffering, and limitations. Here are five development ideas for to help you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually:

  • Practice Being Present: Given your natural tendency towards action and seeking out new experiences, it's essential to find moments of stillness. Taking time for reflection, meditation, or simple mindfulness practices can help you connect more deeply with yourself and address any underlying feelings or desires you might be avoiding. Be here now.

  • Prioritize Depth Over Breadth: While there's a joy in exploring a multitude of experiences, there's also profound fulfillment in delving deep into a few. Whether it's committing to a long-term project, nurturing a relationship, or mastering a skill, find value in persistence and depth.

  • Name and Face Difficult Emotions: Your natural inclination might be to sidestep pain or discomfort. However, growth often lies in confronting these emotions head-on - and believing that no matter what happens, you’ll be okay. Engaging in therapy, journaling, or open conversations with trusted friends can be pathways to processing these feelings.

  • Practice Gratitude: Your forward-focused mindset can sometimes lead to a sense of restlessness, always chasing the next big thing. Cultivate gratitude for the present moment. Celebrating small joys and being thankful for what you currently have can ground you and provide a fuller sense of satisfaction.

  • Set Boundaries and Learn to Say "No": In your zest for life, it's easy to overcommit or scatter your energy in too many directions. Learn to set boundaries for yourself and recognize that it's okay to say "no" to opportunities if they don't align with your priorities or well-being.

Growth for an Enthusiast often involves balancing their inherent enthusiasm and zest for life with introspection, commitment, and authenticity. By incorporating these tips, Enthusiasts can find even greater fulfillment, depth, and meaningful connection in their journeys.


The Type 7 Enthusiast stands out as a beacon of positivity, passion, and potential. Their zest for life is both inspiring and contagious, reminding us of the countless possibilities that await our discovery. However, like every Enneagram type, Enthusiasts have their challenges. Their journey is about looking inward, confronting their fears, and finding lasting fulfillment. As we wrap up our exploration of the Enthusiast, let's celebrate their vibrant spirit while acknowledging the depths beneath the surface. Whether you're an Enthusiast or have one in your life, understanding their essence paves the way for growth, connection, and a richer tapestry of human experience.

Cai Delumpa

I’m Cai! I’m a warrior for the human soul, helping leaders* and teams be better together to make the world a better place to live and work. I live and work in Portland, Oregon with my wife and business partner Monique and our three fur-babies (cats). When I’m not coaching or teaching, I’m cycling, doing photography, cooking, and/or being goofy ‘ol me.

Accountability Starts With You


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