The World Needs Your Leadership NOW!

We're at a point in our history where leadership is more important than ever. Meg Wheatley, bestselling leadership author, says in her book Who Do We Choose to Be?: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity, “In the face of irreversible global problems and the devolution of leadership, I…challenge every leader…with these questions: Who do you choose to be for this time? Are you willing to use whatever power and influence you have to create islands of sanity that evoke and rely on our best human qualities to create, relate, and persevere? Will you consciously and bravely choose to reclaim leadership…that creates possibility and humaneness in the midst of increasing fear and turmoil?“

Now, you may be telling yourself: “Don’t look at me - I’m not a leader! I’m not in a position of authority. I’m not a manager. I don’t lead a team. I don’t belong to a board. I’m not a leader in my community.” Well, guess what: If you have a heartbeat, you’re a leader. When you help someone cross the street, you’re a leader. When you encourage or inspire someone, you’re a leader. When you express curiosity and contribute your ideas in a considerate way, you’re a leader. When you roll up your sleeves and give a voice to causes that are important to you, you’re a leader.

If we’re all leaders, what does that imply? The truth is that the world desperately needs our gifts - NOW. The Enneagram, a powerful personality system that talks about nine different and interconnected ways of thinking, feeling and and acting in the world, provides us with a lens through which to look at the gifts we each bring as leaders.

The table below outlines each type, their focus, and their gifts as a leader. If you don’t know your type, explore which gifts you resonate with or have been recognized for. Which type do you most identify with?  How will you create islands of sanity in these uncertain times?

Type 1 - The Reformer

Focus: Being good, getting it right.

Gifts As A Leader

Begins with the end in mind
Focuses on principles, ethics and standards
Clarifies responsibilities and creates detailed plans
Uses processes and systems
Focuses on quality and continuous improvement

Type 2 - The Giver

Focus: Being helpful.

Gifts As A Leader

Anticipates what others and the group need
Has everyone’s best interests at heart
Helps others grow and develop
Creates flourishing communities that prosper with care
Encourages others enthusiastically

Type 3 - The Acheiver

Focus: Getting it done.

Gifts As A Leader

Gets things moving
Sets clear targets
Enthusiastically encourages others to achieve targets
Drives towards success

Type 4 - The Romantic

Focus: Being special; purpose and meaning.

Gifts As A Leader

Focuses on purpose and meaning
Creative, does things with flair
Challenges others to their best efforts
Models authenticity
Sensitive to emotions and human dynamics

Type 5 - The Observer

Focus: Knowledge and non-intrusion.

Gifts As A Leader

Encourages independence
Does careful research, analyzes and synthesizes information
Calm under pressure

Type 6 - The Loyal Skeptic

Focus: Safety and security.

Gifts As A Leader

Comes alive under adversity
Responsible, concerned
Does scenario planning due to their focus on hazards
Takes protective action for those they care about

Type 7 - The Epicure

Focus: Pleasurable possibilities, fun.

Gifts As A Leader

Strong visionary
Acts quickly under pressure
Equalizes authority
Devises the plan and delegates
Brings humor, excitement and ideas

Type 8 - The Protector

Focus: Justice, fairness, empowerment.

Gifts As A Leader

Sets direction and moves forward with confidence
Gets the right people in the right roles
Holds others accountable
Protects those close to them

Type 9 - The Mediator

Focus: Harmony.

Gifts As A Leader

Shares credit with others
Lays out a goal, unifies a vision, establishes warm relationships and gets out of the way
Creates a structured and harmonious environment

So, what should you do with this information? Knowledge is one thing, action is another. As a leader, the first step is to know yourself . The second step is to take action and intentionally share your gifts. Next, and call on others to share their gifts. Finally, work with others to co-create an environment where everyone shares their gifts while working towards a common purpose. Because the time is now. You are needed NOW.

How will you lead today?

Cai Delumpa

I’m Cai! I’m a warrior for the human soul, helping leaders* and teams be better together to make the world a better place to live and work. I live and work in Portland, Oregon with my wife and business partner Monique and our three fur-babies (cats). When I’m not coaching or teaching, I’m cycling, doing photography, cooking, and/or being goofy ‘ol me.


