By intentionally designing their relationship, aligning on goals, roles and expectations, and by being creative in how they collaborate, team members can be Better Together™.

As the world continues to adjust to the new normal of the hybrid work environment, teams are also learning to adapt to this new way of working. While this approach has its advantages, such as flexibility and convenience, it also poses unique challenges for teams who need to work together to achieve common goals.

Recent research by the Gallup Organization has revealed that:

  • 56% of U.S. full-time workers said they don't have to be in the workplace anymore because they discovered they can do their job from home.

  • 50% of U.S. employees now want their work and life blended.

  • Only about one in four U.S. employees feel strongly that their organization cares about their wellbeing.

  • Managers report higher stress and burnout than those they manage.

  • When it comes to overall wellbeing, the quality of the work experience has 2.5x to 3x the impact of the number of days or hours worked.

Here are some strategies that teams can use to be Better Together™ in a hybrid work environment:

1. Foster a sense of teamwork 

When team members are working remotely, it can be easy for them to feel disconnected from the team. To combat this, it's important to foster a sense of teamwork. This might include team-building activities, regular check-ins, and the use of collaboration tools. Also, create a culture where you encourage team members to share their ideas and thoughts. Ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to discussions and decision-making.

2. Set clear expectations 

To ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals, set clear expectations regarding timelines, deliverables, and deadlines. Be specific about what is expected from each team member and ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. Establish a way to check in on progress, celebrate wins, and address issues as soon as possible.

3. Establish multiple, clear communication channels 

One of the biggest challenges of a hybrid work environment is ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Establishing multiple, clear communication channels, such as regular check-ins, and team meetings, and the use of collaboration tools such as online chat groups, videoconferencing, and online project management tools, can help ensure that everyone is kept up-to-date and informed.

4. Embrace flexibility

One of the advantages of a hybrid work environment is its flexibility. Embrace this flexibility and use it to your advantage by allowing team members to work when and where they are most productive. This can help increase productivity and improve job satisfaction.

5. Prioritize work-life balance

One of the benefits of a hybrid workplace is that it allows team members to have more flexibility with their schedules. However, this can also lead to burnout if team members aren't careful. To avoid this, it's important to prioritize work-life balance. This might include setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, taking breaks throughout the day, and encouraging team members to take time off when needed.

6. Focus on continuous improvement

Finally, it's important to be open to feedback when navigating the challenges of a hybrid workplace. This might include having regular conversations on what's working well and what could be improved. By being open to feedback, teams can continue to refine their processes and find new ways to work effectively in a hybrid workplace.

By following these strategies, teams can successfully navigate the challenges of a hybrid work environment and achieve their goals collaboratively and productively, no matter where they work.

Need help setting your team up for success in a hybrid work environment? We’d love to help. Let’s talk live!


Courage takes practice…and practice…and practice…
