Monique Breault of Monique Breault Consulting, Co-Founder and Principal of Hive (photo by Carlo Delumpa)

What an incredible 3 years it has been! I am grateful to all the people who provided invaluable advice and support as I set up Monique Breault Consulting (MBC). I have so enjoyed focusing on leadership and team effectiveness, services I will continue to provide. I’m also grateful to my clients, from whom I have learned so much. I look forward to continuing to serve them, and to welcome others as Hive begins anew.  

I am excited to be at this juncture. Carlo and I have always dreamed of working together. We each bring different energy and different qualities, all with the same mission of growing conscious leaders. To have a larger impact on leaders and on the world, we recognize that we need to connect and collaborate with one another, and also bring in the gifts of trusted colleagues. I’m thrilled that Carlo is bringing his creative genius, his empathy for what it’s like to be in the trenches, and his ability to make a room light up. I’m excited that Trina Hamilton will be an integral part of Hive, bringing her gifts of strategic leadership development and curriculum design.

We also know that for the world – and each of us – to thrive, it is important for leaders everywhere to intentionally integrate masculine and feminine qualities, yin and yang, doing and being, our darkness and our light. Our logo reflects this. Our way of being reflects this. The people with whom we will collaborate will reflect this too. This is the path to our ultimate destination: a whole, healthy and healed world.

Moving forward, one of our key focus areas is Rising Tide, our leadership program for women in business. I will also partner with colleagues to offer retreats for women who want to lead from spirit.

This is going to be a lot of fun, and I look forward to the value we will deliver through this collaborative effort. I am thrilled to be on this journey with you!


